Thank you

Autism thank youAs I continue this journey with the support of friends, we have set up a Twitter account and a Facebook account for Autism Moves Out (something I never thought I’d do).  I think I mentioned in my very first blog post that I wasn’t really sure if a blog would be worthwhile…or even possible for me to do.  I’ve had this idea…this vision in my head for a while now but I figured that stories about my family and our “adventures in autism” wouldn’t really be interesting to anyone who wasn’t living it.

I’m not sure what I expected exactly.  I have told people about the blog and tried to describe preparations for a foundation.  I figured some people would laugh.  I thought some people would ignore me or just change the subject.  I figured that unless you had a reason to care, you wouldn’t.

I have been thrilled to find that every single person I have told about this has been interested.  Almost all of them have asked good questions and/or offered information.  I have had people send me contacts and web sites.  I have had people tell me about group homes for other disabilities.  This has lead me to my favorite site so far, a company that is a home for Alzheimer’s patients and uses a model close to the one in my head.  People I don’t even know and have no idea how they found me are reading the blog and liking me on Facebook.

This has helped fuel me and make me believe in this more and more.  The more people I meet and talk to, the more I realize how many parents there are out there that need or will need the same things we do, and this only motivates me to continue.  My greatest hope in all of this is to not just make a true home for my son, but assist others in creating homes of their own.

Thank you.


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