Archive for Bound & Determined

Tangled Up In Knots

Autism tying shoesFor years we have tried to teach CJ to tie his own shoes.  Therapists have “protocols” with step by step instructions to learn almost anything.  I had no idea that there were so many steps to everyday activities that I do by rote.  I don’t even remember learning most of these things.  I am fairly sure after watching my daughter that you don’t ever “learn” per se, you just know when you are the right age.

Tying someone else’s shoes for 17 years is tiring.  It was nice when my daughter learned to tie shoes.  I could make her tie his shoes.  She is much closer to the ground, after all.  I said in passing something about him not being able to tie shoes.  One of the women asked why I didn’t get him the elastic laces that triathletes wear.  WHAT!!!???!!???  Apparently, athletes use these elastic laces that have to be purchased at a sporting goods store.  They are elastic cording with plastic clips.  The clips move to hold the laces at the appropriate tension for the wearer.  When I went on line, it said “perfect for the elderly and persons with special needs”.  OK.  Why does no one I know with special needs kids know about this, then????

I bought them and put them on his shoes.  He can now put on his own shoes and they stay on.  OMG!  I never knew that the quality of my life would improve with the purchase of a pair of shoe laces.